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If you own a piece of land, then the villa of your dreams is no longer far from your reach!

For today, Algedra group for architecture and interior design provides you with the basic steps to plan and draw those dreams into reality throughout sequent series of phases taking you all the way to the key-holding moment.

 Interior Design Companies

Starting with the first phase, planning is all about to divide that piece of land into two major sections, where the space of the exterior section is defined according to the project requirements from all directions creating what is called the “permitted area” which represents the interior space.

 And now starts the critical step of exterior planning. Here at Algedra, we have the expert architects allocating the sections with professional care to determine the swimming pool area with its benefits, the playground for kids, and the parking area, then surrounding those with gorgeous lush landscape designs that fit in the total frame concept.

 Moving forward to the interior space, planning for the building starts with determining where the front view should face, for the villa should use the climate elements to its benefits. Using the direction of seasonal wind to hit the main rooms of the villa for refreshing morning breeze, and locating the kitchen on the opposite direction so that smells won’t spread inside the house. 

Interior Design Companies

Your own life style and the quantity of your family members helps you in determining the required number of floors, for each family has a variety of personalities dispersed in each individual, and to build a perfect home is to deliver each one of your family his needs and desires. If you have elderly members in your family, that requires to secure a special wing for them in the ground floor to be near the living room, yet away from the playground in the outside so that they can relax in quietness and tranquility.

When planning the bedrooms, the ability of family member growth should be taken into consideration, and a guest room should be added to the plan as well with an isolated entrance from the family one’s for privacy issue.



To be Continued.....