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Bohemian style is a trendy design concept that prioritizes creating a comfortable and diverse space that showcases individuality and character. By designing a bohemian bedroom, you can establish a relaxing and inviting environment that reflects your unique style. 

In this article, we will provide some suggestions and inspiration to assist you in creating your own bohemian bedroom.

1- Begin with a Neutral Foundation

To create a bohemian bedroom, start with a neutral foundation that consists of whites, creams, and beiges for your walls, floors, and bedding. This blank canvas will allow you to add layers of color and texture. 

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Bohemian style emphasizes the combination and matching of various patterns and textures, so starting with a neutral foundation will help you balance the bold colors and patterns you will add later.

2- Mix and Match Textures and Patterns

Bohemian design involves layering textures and patterns to create a cozy and diverse atmosphere. Mix and match different fabrics, such as cotton, linen, and velvet, to add depth and interest to your bedding and pillows. 

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Add patterned textiles, such as tribal prints, florals, and paisleys, to add a bohemian touch. Do not be afraid to mix and match patterns and textures - the more eclectic, the better!

3- Include Plants and Greenery

Plants and greenery are essential in bohemian design as they add a natural and organic feel to any space. 

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Consider adding hanging plants, potted succulents, or a leafy fiddle leaf fig tree to your bedroom. They not only add visual interest, but they also enhance the air quality and create a calming ambiance.

4- Incorporate Vintage and Handmade Pieces

To add a unique and personal touch to your bohemian bedroom, include vintage and handmade pieces. Look for distinctive items at thrift stores, flea markets, and antique shops, such as a vintage rug, a distressed dresser, or a one-of-a-kind art piece. 

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Adding handmade items, such as a macrame wall hanging or a crocheted throw blanket, will also add a personal touch to your space.

5- Embrace Bold Colors

Bohemian design is all about embracing bold and vibrant colors, so do not be afraid to incorporate them into your bedroom design. 

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Consider adding pops of bright colors, such as turquoise, fuchsia, or mustard yellow, through your bedding, throw pillows, and accessories. However, ensure that you balance them out with neutral tones to prevent overwhelming the space.

6- Use Soft Lighting

To create a cozy and relaxing atmosphere in your bohemian bedroom, use soft lighting. Consider adding string lights, table lamps, or a floor lamp to create a warm and inviting ambiance. 

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You can also incorporate candles and diffusers to add a soothing scent to your space.

7- Don’t Forget the Wall Decor

The walls in your bohemian bedroom are a great opportunity to add personality and style to your space. Consider incorporating a gallery wall of framed art, tapestries, or a large statement piece to create a focal point. You can also add a bold and colorful wallpaper to create a bohemian vibe.

interior decoration

A bohemian bedroom design is all about creating a comfortable and diverse space that showcases personality and style. By beginning with a neutral foundation, layering textures and patterns, including plants and greenery, incorporating vintage and handmade pieces, embracing bold colors, using soft lighting, and remembering the wall decor, you can create a bohemian bedroom that is both stylish and comfortable. 

Check out our bedroom interior design gallery to find out more.