As an active participant of the United Nations Global Compact, ALGEDRA has submitted another yearly communication on the progress report, which describes actions of integrating the Global Compact and its principles into business strategy, culture, and daily operations for the year 2019-2020.
The report includes a statement from CEO of ALGEDRA Mohab Ayoub of continued commitment to principles of the Global Compact, a description of actions taken, and measurements of outcome through the year.
The year 2020 brought a lot of unforeseen events that influenced the whole world, including the interior design industry. Additional actions had to be taken to ensure continuous undisruptive operation, ensuring the safety of employees, our clients, and the rest of the community, which was also reflected in the communication report.
United Nations organization's mission is to maintain international peace and security, protect human rights, and promote sustainable development guided by the universally declared ten principles. ALGEDRA successfully integrated the base of those principles into the core of operation for business sustainability and continues working toward further implementation.
ALGEDRA develops and maintains strong relationships with our clients and partners based on transparency, with a highly qualified experienced, and multi-national team striving to deliver the best results. Along the way, company promotes greater environmental responsibility, provides a possibility for education by supporting educational initiatives, and contributes to the development of employees.
For ALGEDRA, being part of the United Nations Global Compact means not only to apply the ten principles but further to invest in creativity to innovate and develop new methods that help humanity to live in a better environment regardless of the level of their lifestyle.
With great efforts already done up to date, company plans to continue its commitment to principles of the United Nations Global Compact for sustainability.