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Relaxation time is a very rare thing these days, and the bedroom is the best place to have these private moments of relaxation. To make these relaxation moments even better, ALGEDRA advises you to use suitable colors, like cool colors such as gray, blue, yellow and lavender, and for deeper relaxation use warm colors such as Orange, brown, red and yellow. Following are the ideal suggestions by ALGEDRA’s team for a cozy bedroom:

 1. Reddish brown:elegant bedroom design by Algedra

A deep warm color that has enough red in it and would look amazing with copper. It is preferable to use it on one wall only or the ceiling. Natural lighting brings out the beauty of this colors. The bedside lighting will add a relaxing reading mood especially with a coppery bed or copper accessories or side tables these all will add elegance and vitality to space.

2. Bright Yellow:

Bright Yellow Bedroom Design

Dark colors tend to make space seem smaller which in turn makes the room cozier. Bright colors can do that too, the warm yellow gradients provide coziness too when accompanied by dark colored wood for the floor or in furniture, that will break the intensity of the color but enrich its natural cozy touch.

Yellow is also suitable with Gold, copper, and bronze. Where you can use decorated metallic bed with special illumination or use the light to highlight the ceiling’s architecture details.

3. Burgundy:

natural and wooden bedroom interior

A relaxing warm color that will add depth to space, ALGEDRA’s designers recommend that you only use it on one wall. With suitable colors and special illumination, the burgundy color will out stand and make the room appear spacious. When burgundy is accompanied by suitable colors such as white and beige and the right carpet and accessories, the room will appear cozier.

4. Soft Gold:

classic bedroom interior in Dubai

This color is the result of combining yellow and orange. This color is very suitable for wood and can be used on all the walls of the bedroom with a touch of the color of the raspberry will add vitality to the room. It is preferable to use this color in high ceiling rooms and if there is enough natural lighting then it is advisable to only use it on one wall and use the color of the sand on the other walls.

Bamboo or natural wood highlights the beauty of the Gold color in the room. Use nature colors for the bed sheets, while using brown in furniture will break the intensity of gold and both will provide endless relaxation and coziness.