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Plants and flowers provide a special look to the houses and homes. Their beauty even reflects off the person taking care of them.

Choosing the varieties of roses

There is 13,000 type of flowers. They come in different colors and shapes, but some flowers only grow on a certain type of soil. So it is advisable that you take your time and ask a specialist to help you determine if the flower you want to grow is suitable with the soil. Find all types of roses that have attractive properties in terms of both size and color all these characteristics likes to take into account when selecting the type of roses and there are specific categories of flowers, including:


It is the most important and beautiful flower. It has almost transparent white petals with a wonderful smell that spreads everywhere.

beautiful flower Jasmine

Hybrid tea roses:

They are beautiful roses that are usually available at a flowers shop and they create wonderful bouquets.

Floribunda flowers:

They have different colors, each tree has many flowers instead of having just one in the trunk.

Ground rose’s flowers:

These are crossbreeds between hybrid tea roses and floribunda, and they grow and climb really high on the fence or the walls.

Miniature roses:

These are very small roses that are perfect for growing in any pot.

 Miniature roses

Shrub roses and landscapes:

It is a very beneficial shrub that Resists harmful pests and diseases and comes in many shapes and colors.

Tree roses:

It has a long trunk, the shape similar to trees. Require more care than other types of roses.

You can cultivate flowers in the ground or build ground pots or pottery, stone or plastic pots.

Rose coordination methods:

Individual coordination:

When you use large expensive flowers with color, shape and size and characteristics such as orchids, this flower is precious and it is always the master of the situation in coordination.

Line coordination:

When you use flower branches that bear many small sized flowers such as clover flowers, Delphinium, wallflowers, polyantha flowers.

 Line coordination

Mixed coordination:

When you use flowers with colors and different sizes and forms, the most common species in the commercial scale.